Welcome to…
Tangents Online
the web publication of the
Homosexual Information Center
Presented by:
The Tangent Group • HIC Publications
Our Mission
HIC’s objective is clarification and eventual settlement of the issues surrounding homosexual persons and behavior. Our procedure is to generate, gather, organize, make available, and broadcast ideas between and among homosexual and non-homosexual people regarding the facts and opinions regarding human sexuality.

- Articles from Tangents magazine
— 1965 • 1966 • 1967 — - Tangents contents currently posted:
— 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10 | 1.11
— Issue 1.12 (September 1966) is now in process. - Interviews and Profiles of pioneering activists of the homophile era
- Table of Pseudonyms of homophile-era activists and authors
- Pulp Fiction and Nonfiction Collection (covers—pending)
- Correspondence including letters by or to Harry Hay, Dale Jennings, Don Slater, Barbara Gittings, Frank Kameny, and others
- Short fiction, essays, and poetry by Joseph Hansen including
—A Few Doors West of Hope
—Don Slater: A Gay Rights Pioneer Remembered by his Friends - Bibliography of the works of Mr. Hansen
- Book and Movie Reviews by Barbara Grier, Stephen O. Murray, Dale Jennings, C. Todd White, and others
- Timeline of Significant Events in the history of the HIC and ONE, Inc.
- Blog Archives of HIC founder Billy Glover and other activists for the ongoing struggle for homosexual rights
The HIC Archives
The materials that form the core of the HIC Archives are books and periodicals from the The Blanche M. Baker Memorial Library, the oldest surviving homosexual-themed archives in the United States.
This collection, originally called the ONE Library, was assembled by Don Slater, Jim Kepner, and others beginning with the launch of ONE in January, 1953, and ending with the division of ONE, Inc., in May of 1965.
The current HIC Archives, then, is comprised of the primary source materials that informed the publication of ONE, the most influential publication of the homophile era of homosexual rights activism. It is unique both for it’s historical depth and it’s national—and international—breadth.
The Tangent Group is proud to present this online archives of lesbian and gay history through partnership with California State University Northridge.
We invite you to peruse the 2,609 items that comprise the HIC Collection, a subset of the The Vern and Bonnie Bullough Collection on Sex and Gender, a special collection curated within University Library at CSUN.
Invitation to Participate
Tangents Online will strive to be as comprehensive as possible, and to that aim we encourage comments and submissions from those knowledgeable in the field.
If you would like to submit biographical profiles, transcribed interviews, book reviews, photographs, insights, or corrections for Tangents in print or online, please contact us at @
About Us

The Tangent Group is the registered d.b.a. of the Homosexual Information Center (HIC), an independent nonprofit organization devoted to a continuing inquiry into the nature, circumstances, and social issues of homosexuality.
Tangents was first published in Los Angeles in May, 1965, by a majority of the legally elected board members of ONE, Incorporated, and the entire editorial board of ONE Magazine.
The Tangent Group was legally founded in Los Angeles, California, in 1968, by Don Slater, Tony Reyes, Billy Glover, and Jim Schneider .
In October, 1965, Slater’s ONE: The Homosexual Viewpoint changed its name to Tangents magazine.
Join Us
Please join our endeavor to secure social equality for all persons regardless of sexual orientation and to preserve the history and heritage of those people so that they in turn can best contribute to the vitality of a healthy society.
If you would like to be a part of the continuing work of The Tangent Group and would like to receive our newsletters, then you are invited to become a supporter. Your tax-deductible donation will ensure that we can continue our policy of free distribution of Tangents’ message to those who can best use the material, such as legislators, law enforcement officials, librarians, scholars, journalists, and educators.
Each commentary on this site is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect those of other authors or the HIC. These articles are published for their historical relevance and not to promote any particular person, organization, opinion, or political agenda.
Where necessary, copyright information and rights have been provided in order for us to publish some of these materials. Unless specified otherwise, all content ©2023 by The Tangent Group. All rights are reserved.